
Nie wiem gdzie to napisaÃâ₏Ş?
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Autor:  k0nd3k6 [ 2005-09-09 19:40:11 ]
Tytuł:  Nie wiem gdzie to napisa???

Pro??ba o Adma zrobisz nowy dzia?? z NEWSAMI ?

News News News for Japan Knight Online :P

Recently with the trouble of the server who occurs,
Including the meaning of putting annoyance on everyone of the user and apologizing,
September 2nd (gold) from 1 week, at all server
The event of experience value 15% rise is done.

Putting annoyance on everyone of the user
We apologize deeply.

Also in the future we ask KnightOnline may.

Autor:  jozef-k [ 2005-09-23 01:53:54 ]

a ja mam pytanie. czy mo??na (a je??eli mo??na, to jak) dodawa??? w??asne newsy na stron??? g????wn???? bo czasem m??g??bym co??...

Autor:  Damarus [ 2005-09-23 03:37:24 ]

Nie mo??esz dodawa??? w??asnych news??w. Je??li jest to co?? wa??nego to mo??esz wys??a??? PW z tre??ci??? newsa do modka/admina i oni to rozpatrz???;p

Uwa??am temat za zamkni???ty.

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